International Relocation Unpacking Service (move to Taiwan – English)

It is an excitement and nervous when you are planning relocate to other country. From the moment
you know that you will leave your lovely hometown and move to Taiwan for new adventure there
are a lots things you need to deal with. Looking for international moving company is one of the most
important things when you are relocating to any other country.
You can ask your local Facebook group members to recommend good and quality international
moving company to save your time and make sure your items will be taken good care.

Here are 6 tips when you are relocating to Taiwan (or other country)

The international relocation items cost depends on size of container, boxes and country.

When we moved back from Qatar to Taiwan, my container was 20 feet. However, the price is
double of 40 feet to Australia. That is because of the shipping line.

Making sure your International moving company packaging stuff will take good care of your items when they come to your house to pack.

All the problems in domestic moving relocation also happen in international moving relocation
as well. Make sure DO NOT put your jewellery or money into the packaging. During the
packaging you need to monitoring all the time to make sure the staffs pack your items in proper
way. After all items have be packed you will have a items list and other documents. Please do
keep the items list and documents you will need those when your items arrive in your new

Must buy insurance.

We never know what will happen in the future purchase the insurance is protecting your items
be missed or damaged.

Keep communicate with your International moving companies.

Your original international moving company will forward your case to an international moving
company where you move to. Please do keep communicate both sides to make sure your items
are saved and someone is taking care of. Also, the company will guide you how to fill out the
custom form at airport custom which is one of most important things you need to do at airport.

Items arrived in Taiwan (new country).

Your international moving company will arrange police and stuff to unload your items into your
new home.

Check if nothing missing.

After everything unload, you need to use your check list to go through all your items if anything
missing. Once you sign the confirmation paper, police and stuff will leave.

面對幾十箱甚至上百箱的物品,這時的無力感會把搬回家鄉的興奮感給沖至煙消雲散。 為了讓您搬回家鄉的過程更順利,歡迎預約「跨國搬家回台服務」

跨國搬家回台費用是專案報價,請email 並註明「我需要跨國搬家回台服務」。心寓會有專人回覆您的訊息,以便詢問更詳細的資訊,以提供精準報價。 也歡迎推薦給您需要的朋友。 如您有外國友人應聘來台的跨國搬家服務,英文的服務也絕對沒問題。





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